Help us improve this post! English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes or think something can be explained better, feel free to contact us. Your suggestions are always welcome!
There are many in-built plugins in the theme, few of them are documented separately. This page documents rest of the plugins.
Bookmark posts
The Bookmark posts feature allows your site visitors to save posts so they can read it later. The posts are stored in browser using localStorage Web APIs. This feature comes enabled by default, but you can disable or customize it through Layout.
- Go to Blogger Layout.
- Search for the LinkList widget with title Bookmark posts (if you have not renamed it).
- Click on pencil icon beside the widget.
Live Search
Live Search was added in v3.1, therefore you will be able to enable it if and only if you are using v3.1.0 or above.
🧪 Experimental feature!
Live Search plugin is an experimental feature. We need your feedback to improve it further and make it stable.
The Live Search feature shows a list of posts matching the query as soon as user inputs a keyword in search bar. This feature comes enabled by default, but you can disable or customize it through Theme Designer.
- Go to Blogger Theme Designer.
- Click on Advanced tab.
- From dropdown selection list, select Plugin: Live Search.
Cookie Consent
The Cookie Consent feature shows a popup through which site owner can obtain consent from users. This feature comes enabled by default, but you can disable or customize it through Layout.
- Go to Blogger Layout.
- Search for the LinkList widget with title Cookie Consent (if you have not renamed it).
- Click on pencil icon beside the widget.
Realtime views counter
The Realtime views counter shows the number of post views. This plugin utilizes Firebase Realtime Database to store views count. If you would like to enable this feature, follow these steps:
- First of all, you need to configure a firebase project with your blog.
- Go to Blogger Theme Designer.
- Click on Advanced tab.
- From dropdown selection list, select Plugin: Views Counter.
- Set the length of Views Counter to 1px or 2px to disable or enable the plugin respectively.
In order to make connection to database instance through WebSocket for realtime updates, the firebase javascript SDK is loaded and executed in client's browser. If you really don't need this feature, please disable it.
Labels description
Labels Description was added in v3.1, therefore you will be able to enable it if and only if you are using v3.1.0 or above.
The Labels description widget displays info (such as label name, no. of posts, label description if added and label cover if available) in label pages. For example, if we are at /search/label/Art
location, it shows information of Art label. This feature comes enabled by default, but you can disable or customize it through Layout.
- Go to Blogger Layout.
- Search for the LinkList widget with title Labels Description (if you have not renamed it).
- Click on pencil icon beside the widget.
How can I add description to a label?
To add a description to a label, create a link in the widget with label name as the Site Name (case-sensitive) and its description as the Site URL. For an example, if you want to add description to the Lifestyle label, create a new link with Lifestyle
as Site Name and the description text as Site URL.
How can I add cover image to a label?
By default, the widget tries to select a thumbnail from posts in view as cover image but it is possible to explicitly specify an image as cover. To do so, create a link in the widget with label name followed by a space and [cover]
as the Site Name (case-sensitive) and the image URL as the Site URL. For an example, if you want to add cover image to the Lifestyle label, create a new link with Lifestyle [cover]
as Site Name and the cover image URL as Site URL.
Quick Edit
The Quick Edit feature can be used for navigating directly to Post Edit, Blog Layout, Blog Settings page by clicking on shortcut buttons which appear on UI when the page is viewed by a blog administrator. It can even display delete button next to comment if the page is viewed by a blog administrator or the commentor. This feature comes enabled by default, but you can disable or customize it through Theme Designer.
- Go to Blogger Theme Designer.
- Click on Advanced tab.
- From dropdown selection list, select Plugin: Quick Edit.
Syntax Highlighter
The Syntax Highlighter feature can be used to highlight codes in code block components, it can also be used to automatically add copy button and line numbers to the code block. The feature comes enabled by default, but you can disable or customize it through Theme Designer.
- Go to Blogger Theme Designer.
- Click on Advanced tab.
- From dropdown selection list, select Plugin: Syntax Highlighter.
Microsoft Clarity
Microsoft Clarity plugin was added in v3.1, therefore you will be able to enable it if and only if you are using v3.1.0 or above otherwise you can simply follow their documentation.
The theme has Microsoft Clarity plugin since it allows you to choose the script loading type. Follow these steps to enable the plugin:
- Login to Microsoft Clarity.
- Select your project and navigate to its Settings.
- Click on Overview.
- Copy the Project ID by clicking on the copy button next to project id.
- Now, navigate to Blogger HTML Editor page.
Look for the following code snippet and paste the project id as marked:
<Variable name="clarity.trackingId" description="Microsoft Clarity Tracking Code" type="string" default="" value=""/> [!] Microsoft Clarity Tracking Code [!] @type {String}
- Save the changes and navigate to Blogger Theme Designer.
- Click on Advanced tab.
- From dropdown selection list, select Plugin: Microsoft Clarity.
- Set the length of Enable Script to 2px in order to enable the plugin. You can set it back to 1px if you decided to disable it in future. You can also change the Load Type if you wish, each load type has same behaviour as load type of Google Analytics plugin.